Do you believe in New Years Resolutions?

I do.

Think about FlyLady!  She started in 1999 with two New Year’s goals.  1) Get organized. and 2)  “Be nice to me.”  I’m sure she never would have imagined that ten years later that New Year’s Resolution would have helped hundreds of thousands of people all over the world!

You know, I think that as long as we are kind to ourselves, we really CAN do anything we put our mind to!  So, whatever your New Years Resolution, just add to the end of it, “Be nice to me!” and don’t let the negativity of others squelch your big plans for 2012!

Marla said it first! New research says 66 days (not 21) to form a new habit!


Ha ha ha!  I remember a podcast where Marla was talking about psychologists who say it takes 21 days to form a habit.  I smiled so big when she said, (in her adorable North Carolina accent) “They lie, they lie, they lie!”

So, I was tickled when I came by this bit of news today: Need to Form a New Habit? 66 Days | World of Psychology.

Also, they talk about how some are more receptive to habits and others are “habit resistant” and require even more time!  Interesting stuff, right?